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Japanese Life Sciences research and innovation ecosystem

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Not unlike France, Japan is struggling to value its academic research, despite its high quality. While its strong industrial research is still reluctant to open up to external influences, the public and private sectors are well aware of the importance of developing a more collaborative research practice. In Japan, innovation has long been a private matter. Indeed, it is to its post-war industrial R & D, conducted under ideal conditions of infrastructure and financing, that the country owes its technological leadership. This private research, often exclusively in-house, remains predominant. Currently companies still cover 75% of the country’s research funding. Japan’s academia, on the other hand, are among world leaders in most research fields. Although slightly down in recent years, five of its seven national universities and RIKEN ranked among the top 100 Nature contributors in 2016. However, a gap persists between these worlds. This is partly due to Japanese companies having reservations in sharing their research, but also to differences in time frames and vision between academic research and industrial needs. However, faced with the dynamism of the emerging countries, the […]

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