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AMED, for a better allocation of research ressources

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AMED, the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development, has been created in April 2015 to provide a unified funding allocation for medical research expenses which were previously scattered between MEXT, MHLW and METI. This unifying action aims at optimizing resources distribution to establish and maintain coherent research environments throughout Japan. With the establishment of the Headquarter for Healthcare Policy in July 2014, the creation of AMED is the government’s response to Japan increasing trade deficit in pharmaceuticals and medical devices (almost ¥ 2 trillion in 2011). According to its founding president Makoto Suematsu, there are three major obstacles thatexplain this situation: – the redundancy of administration, – the stranglehold of prominent permanent researchers, preventing young scientists from breaking through – the preferential use of Japanese in research context The former dean of Keio University sees his mandate as an opportunity to update the rather traditionnal academic system. Even if that means making himself unpopular with his fellow professors. The first year of AMED was dedicated to the creation of a one-stop funding system that reduces the administrative burdens on […]

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