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HAL reduces the burden on caregivers

Cyberdine, exosqueleton, Hal
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The company Cyberdine is a pioneer in the field of cybernetics. Set up in June 2004 by Yoshiyuki Sankai (University of Tsukuba), it has created HAL an exoskeleton for people with reduced mobility or workers subjected to severe physical constraints. HAL is not only an autonomous robot, it can also assist the movements of its wearer, anticipating the intensity of the effort. No underlying magic here. Instead a careful mapping of the neurons involved in the leg movements, coupled with sensors measuring the bioelectric signals that appear on the surface of the skin when an intention is transmitted to the muscles by motor neurons. Since its first prototype in 1997, HAL has grown in leaps and bounds: after the introduction of version 3 in 2006, production began in 2008. In October 2012, the exoskeleton was already in use in rehabilitation in 130 medical facilities and nursing homes across Japan. In December 2012, Cyberdine was certified ISO 13485, the international quality standard for medical devices, and CE in August 2013, which opened the door for clinical testing in Europe. Initially for […]

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