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"I brought about a revolution in higher education, science & technology in Pakistan"
Interview of Professor Dr Atta-Ur-Rahman, President Pakistan Academy of Science BI3.0 : You published more than 900 scientific publications in the field of organic chemistry including 34 patents, and more than hundred books or chapters of books. You are a well known and recognised researcher all over the world and received honours in your own country, Pakistan, and abroad. You were elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society on 14th July 2006. Could you please present first your scolarship which started in United Kingdom ? Atta : My first scholarship at Cambridge was a Commonwealth Scholarship. This is a highly competitive scholarship that allowed me to complete a Ph. D. at Cambridge University. BI3.0 : You were Commonwealth scholar from 1965 until 1968 in Kings College, Cambridge University and then Fellow, 1969 to 1973. Were you a brillant and distinguished student who received a scolarship ? Atta : I was a top student in Pakistan but when I arrived in Cambridge, I found that other students there were much better than me in their understanding of organic chemistry. So I worked really hard […]