Immunotherapies for Infectious Diseases Congress 2017 (I4ID2017)
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Immunotherapies for Infectious Diseases Congress 2017 (I4ID2017)
11-12 December 2017, Lyon France
The Lyon Congress Center
The 1st Immunotherapies for Infectious Diseases Congress 2017 (I4ID2017), organized by MabDesign and BIOASTER will bring together pharmaceutical industries, research labs, clinicians, service providers, technology developers and policy makers to exchange about the development of immunotherapy solutions for prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.
The Scientific Committee has set-up an exciting program for the I4ID 2017 Congress, focusing on antibodies as immunotherapies for infectious diseases that includes keynote lectures, pitch talks of new creative projects, and industrial talks from big pharmaceutical companies. The I4ID 2017 Congress program also contains several opportunities for networking and dedicated time for business partnering.
The topics covered during this meeting are:
Immunotherapy against viral infections,
Immunotherapy as alternative treatment to antibiotics
Immunotherapy against emergent or re-emergent and bioterrorism agents
Next-Generation Immunotherapy against Infectious Diseases
Cross-talk: Accelerate the development & bioproduction for affordable immunotherapies solutions
Share your innovative products, new technologies and research projects at the Pitch Session “Scientific and technological Innovation in Diagnostics and Immunotherapies for infectious diseases”or during the Poster session! Check the guidelines to submit your abstract:
This is a great opportunity for start-ups, SMEs, and academic laboratories to share their new work!
Early Bird Registration until Friday, 15th September 2017 register early to secure the best rates!
MabDesign members have 20% discount on the registration fee.