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Three questions to Jean-Dominique François

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International Technical Expert at the JST Coordinator of the French Tech in Japan Correspondent of Hello Tomorrow in Japan What is La French Tech Tokyo? French Tech is a label granted to French cities recognized for their startup ecosystem and a common brand for French innovative companies. It aims to give a strong visual identity to French startups to ensure their international visibility. In addition, hubs have been created internationally with the goal of bringing together the local innovation communities and forging links between these countries and France in order to encourage contacts and the circulation of information. The Tokyo hub was officially opened in October 2015, during a visit by Emmanuel Macron, then Minister of Economy and Digital, for the launch of the year of Franco-Japanese innovation. What are the peculiarities of Japanese innovation? When they create something, Japanese entrepreneurs, in general, do not aim to sell and abandon their company. Often they will instead reinvest the money in new internal projects, sometimes very different from the core business, develop subsidiaries of their core business and end up with […]

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