Carbon Waters

Protection anti-corrosion

Adresse 25 rue Marcel Issartier 33700 Mérignac

Site web

Téléphone 0637344259

Présentation de l'entreprise

“Carbon Waters creates an innovative graphene form. Our unique graphene dispersion technology offers the industry to develop materials with enhanced and monitored performances.
Carbon Waters carries industrial-oriented developments with its customers in order to optimize product performances through specific integration of its graphene dispersions.
Protected by 3 patents, this disruptive innovation is the result of 10-years of R&D effort conducted within the CNRS and brought to the industry by Carbon Waters.
Created in 2017 and based in Pessac – France, Carbon Waters is now strongly financially supported by public and private investors.
The company has already been awarded several times, in particular by JEC World, CETIM, French Ministry of Research and Innovation (I-Lab) as well as by Industrie du Futur challenge.” From